
Zone of the enders artbook
Zone of the enders artbook

zone of the enders artbook

Finally, games marked as REMAKE are the ones created by a different team based on the original work. EXTRAS denoted those games that include the original version of a Kojima game and simply are an expansion of the work, such extras may not be Kojima's direct work. Games marked as PORT are the ones that were translated as faithfully as possible to another console without Kojima's involvement other than supervisor/producer.

zone of the enders artbook

Games that have are the ones in which Kojima was directly involved as director and games marked with are those created by the Kojima Productions team. You can view pictures of that visit in the Japan trip page here at Junker HQ.

zone of the enders artbook

I was fortunate enough to meet Kojima personally, and visit Japan during March 2004. Also available on this site, is a page with Text dumps of Kojima games. If you want a complete list of Kojima games, it is available here, and in case you need a biography on Hideo Kojima, visit Wikipedia. If you are interested in specific information visit the Kojima Game Forums, someone may know the answer you seek. There are also other sections with trading card sets of Snatcher and Policenauts, Soundtracks, books, magazines and promotional stuff I have gathered, hope you like them. In the first section you will find detailed scans of the games, manuals, spine cards, etc that came with them. I hope this might help you figure out what merchandise is worth buying for you. This gallery (and all of Junker HQ) was created for the collector, because when I began collecting Hideo Kojima's games I had the curiosity to know how other versions looked like, and if I was missing something big that was worth buying. That so few games do so is an absolute crime and an insult to the intelligence of the gaming public." These stories are not just great plot-wise, but sometimes have deep philosophic questions underneath them: "What is a human being? What is the basis of conflict?"Īs stated in : "In embedding a relevant message in a video game, Kojima proves that it is possible to use video games as vehicles for expressing an artistic vision. He has achieved this by making the games realistic through the inclusion of detail, deep character development, humor, voice acting and above all, excellent story lines and game play with fresh ideas. Kojima Hideo has been the director of some of the most impressive games ever. – Softcover, 208 pages, comes with a data discīuy From Amazon.Kojima Hideo Game Scan Gallery: Snatcher, Policenauts, Zone of The Enders and Metal Gear 小島秀夫のゲームギャラリー Hideo Kojima Game Gallery 小島秀夫のゲームギャラリー “Twilight – Yasushi Suzuki Art Works 鈴木康士画集 薄明” art book details : This is a great companion to his earlier art book Eyes. The innovative gameplay required a nuanced control of timing and precision, and not just blind destruction that is common in most shooter games.Īn expansive collection of Yasushi Suzuki’s beautiful art work, with a focus on sci-fi genre. As a teenager I remember spending an unhealthy amount of time on this really fun and addictive game. (above & below) Illustrations and concept art for the arcade shooter game Ikaruga. Also included with the book is a data disc that contains his illustration work breakdowns, unreleased rough work as well as black and white drawings. This volume focuses more on sci-fi genres and features art work from games like Ikaruga, Zone Of The Enders, Sin & Punishment: Star Successor, LORD of VERMILION 〜Re:2 and more.


His list of credits include titles like The Mysterious Thief ( since adapted into a Japanese TV series ), Psychic Detective Yakumo and Game Of Thrones (Japanese edition). Twilight is the 2nd art book ( read review for his 1st art book here ) by Japanese illustrator Yasushi Suzuki, whose portfolio covers art work for video games, novels and magazines.

Zone of the enders artbook